Our Clients

Some of the fields of industry of our clients:

  • Agriculture, Food, and Supplements
  • Automotive and After Market
  • Consulting
  • Construction, Design, Development
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Entertainment, Recreation and Leisure:
  • Executive Peer Groups
  • Financial, and Insurance:
  • Health Clubs
  • Health Care
  • High Tech, Pharma, and BioTech
  • Industry Associations
  • Interior Landscaping
  • Labor
  • Manufacturing
  • Municipal and Government
  • Museums
  • Non Profit:
  • Professional: CPA and Legal
  • Publishing and Advertising
  • Research
  • Retail Food
  • Security
  • Service
  • Transportation
  • Wellness

What Clients Say

John-Partner CEO, Washington DC

Long-term client comments on Willing’s skills and content from presenting ideas about Business and Leadership. 

I continue to be amazed at the tools and parables which Willing Phillips commands. He does a tremendous job of bringing complex ideas into any easily understandable concept.

Paul Floyd
Senior Consulting Partner

They were unanimous in their awe (and I do mean awe) of the atmosphere you created.  I have never met anyone in my life with whom I have felt more instantly comfortable.

Robert J. Moonan

His strengths as a facilitator and communicator are equally matched by his knowledge and experience in knowing what makes organizations successful.

Thomas I. Harris
CEO and Founder

Your message has the highest take home value of any seminar I have ever heard.

McRae B. Anderson
President, CEO

The members really appreciated your analogies and examples.  These anchored the ideas and concepts and will become part of our language.

Jeanette Hobson

It was the highlight, as well as the backbone of the whole convention experience.

Amy Allison
Convention Director

Such welcoming attitude plus your knowledge, experience and passion for the industry shared during our initial meet up was so impactful and appreciated, it gave me a newfound thirst and hunger and additional perspectives. Once again, thank you so much for the wisdom and the laughter shared.

Sigi Davis

Willing brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and an outside perspective of things. He has a great ability of hi-lighting important issues. He is also very good at pulling everything together.

Curt Larson

Over the last 18 months you have done an outstanding job of being a very productive facilitator of change. Most important has been your ability to understand the “culture” and environment of our entrepreneurial atmosphere and work within those boundaries. … a truly independent voice, but enough closeness that all of us feel you are part of the “team”. …you have done a brilliant job in achieving it.  I personally appreciate the support and intermediary position you have taken in the management transition with Chuck, Jim and myself.    You have been able to bring things out of all three of us in short amounts of time, that would ordinarily taken painful months or even years.  You have been able to do this without being pushy or alienating any one of us.  I often sit back after you leave and say, “How the heck did he do that?”

William C. Emhiser
Sr. Vice President

Your efforts in helping us learn to set objectives, gain group consensus, do group problem solving and develop an action plan were most beneficial.  I would very much like to talk to you further about our efforts with work teams and employee problem solving groups.

Ronald T. Clees
Training Manager, Operations Division